Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409
Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409
Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409
Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409
Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409
Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409
Gön  Genuine  Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409

Gön Genuine Leather Round Nose Heels Zipper Buckle Women's Daily Boat 10409 (DKZB61310409315)

Price : ₺2.229,99(Vat included)
₺260,82 With install ments starting from
* Gön Women's Boots, Genuine Leather, You can use your own number in every field in daily life.
* Our product is full mold, you can choose your own number.
* Durable rubber alloy thermo sole is suitable for each foot structure. < BR /> * Bottom sole is made of Genuine rubber and are designed to make cold and hot insulation.
* Inner sole lining Minimizes the formation of the skin (leather mostra).
* The interior edge linings of the skin are holding the pillar warm And the breathing textile is breathing.
* 8 Pont (5.5 cm) provides maximum comfort (5.5 cm).
* The zipper is quick to wear and remove the zip on the inner side.
* Under the bottom of the mostra The Memory Foam Padded Pet provides comfortable and hiking comfort.
* The most valuable feature of the Genuine skin is breathing. Therefore, there is no water-proofing property because the skin is largely prevented from the air.
* The size table of the product is 3rd.
* You can monitor the video of the product below.
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