Gon.com.tr what are the benefits of membership?
When you place an order by creating a membership, you can get an extra 5% discount on top of all discounts, moreover, this advantage is valid for all your orders until 31.12.2023
You can easily follow up the cargo from the order detail in the purchases made with membership, and you can review your return and support requests from your order detail.
When you create a membership and approve e-mail, SMS and push notifications, you can be instantly informed about all discounts and campaigns.
How do I become a member of
To become a member of Gon.com.tr, you can become a member by clicking on the "
Become a Member" button on our homepage and entering your "Name", "Surname" and "e-mail" information on the page that opens.
How can I give Sms and Mail permission to benefit from the campaigns?
By entering your membership information from the Member Login page, you can go to My Account > My Account Settings> < it will be enough to check the Sms and mail buttons on the href="https://www.gon.com.tr/Hesabim#/Uyelik-Bilgilerim">My Membership Information page. (Both buttons must be checked.)
Is my personal information safe?
Your identity information that you provide during membership registration and shopping is stored in accordance with the membership agreement. During the payment step, your card information cannot be seen by third parties. In addition, you provide your payment transactions with the assurance of Iyzico. The 3D Secure system is used in all transactions.
How do I delete my account? /How do I cancel my membership?
To permanently cancel (delete) your membership, you can use the "Delete My Membership Information" button on the Account settings tab on the My Account page. If you are having trouble doing this, you can call our Customer Service line
0312 911 44 66 or contact us at
müşterihizmetleri@gon.com.tr to have us do the unsubscribing process for you.
I forgot my password! How do I log in?
If you have forgotten the password you used to log in to your Gon.com.tr account, please enter your e-mail address used during the membership to gon.com.tr on the page opened by clicking here . You can then set a new password by following the prompts to your email.
What do I need to do to change my password?
To change your password, after logging in to gon.com.tr , you can create your new password with at least 6 digits using the "My Account Settings" tab in the "My Account" section of "
How to track Cargo of my order with membership?
When your order is delivered to the cargo, information is sent to your phone number registered in your membership via SMS. Log in to your www.gon.com.tr membership for your cargo tracking. " Your account" in the "
My Orders" list of your relevant order " Order Detail" click on the link. On the page that opens, the product list is located in the upper right corner " You can track the cargo with the "Where is My Cargo" button. Your Orders MNG cargo company ile is forwarded to your address.
The product I want to buy has 'sold out' on it. Is there a possibility that the sold out product will be sold again?
Our products are limited by stocks. For this reason, the sale of the sold out product cannot be done again for the time being, but when you come to the product you like and want to be repeated, you can be notified when the product comes to stock by clicking the notify button when it comes to stock. Our primary goal will be to offer products that are in high demand for sale again.
Is VAT included in the prices of the products I buy?
VAT is included in the retail price of every product sold through gon.com.tr.
What are the return conditions?
"Right of Withdrawal Without Giving Reason" 14 day from the date you receive the product. In order for the return procedures to begin, the product you want to return must reach our warehouse within 14 days. The packaging of the product you want to return is not damaged, unused; The barcode must not be damaged or broken. You must send the product(s) you want to return with its original box and all accessories. Returns are not accepted for orders placed from abroad.
Can I pay for my orders via EFT / wire transfer?
You can make your purchases at gon.com.tr with Credit card or Debit (debit card) card. We do not have the option to pay by EFT / Money Order. When you confirm your order, your credit card will be charged the payment amount.
What are the service hours of your customer service call center and how can I contact you?
Our Call Center is open every weekday except public holidays between 09:00-18:00 and Saturdays between 09:00-13:00. Calls you make outside of these hours will be recorded by the voice recording system so that we can get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact < href="mailto:musterihizmetleri@gon.com.tr">musterihizmetleri@gon.com.tr e-mail.
Are all products on your site also available in stores?
You can reach the stocks of the most admired and exclusive products of the season from my stores. You can contact the phone number of the relevant store to find out the availability of the products you like in our stores.
How do I know store opening times?
Our stores are open from 09:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and Saturdays, and from 10:00 to 20:00 on Sundays. You can find the address and telephone information of our stores at
' Our Stores' page.
Will I run out of items in my cart?
Stocks of our products are limited. Stock revisions cannot be made for the products you add to your basket. There is a chance that you will run out unless you buy the product you added to your cart.
How Should I Determine the Size of My Belts?
You can determine the size of the belt you will receive by adding 15 cm to the size of your own waist.
What should I do if I get an error while completing my purchase?
As Gön Deri, our goal is for you to shop quickly, safely and smoothly. Our entire team is working to provide you with this service, and we may encounter technical errors in very rare cases. In such cases, we recommend that you contact us so that we can help you as soon as possible. You can reach us < by calling our Customer Service line at href="tel:0312 911 44 66">0312 911 44 66 or by sending an e-mail to our müşterihizmetleri@gon.com.tr e-mail address.
What are your active campaigns?
On the Our Campaigns page at our Gon.com.tr address, we have all our current and active campaigns.